Northwest Oakville is home to some of the most gorgeous trails, parks and greenspaces. Filled with a variety of housing options, buyers can easily find single and semi-detached homes, condos and lofts within this neighbourhood. Within close proximity to many Catholic and Public schools, Northwest Oakville is a community filled with young and growing families with children of all ages. Sports complexes, golf courses, and sports fields all within close range, so it’s easy for residents to get out and get active within this community.
Northwest Oakville has it all! Close to shopping centres, amenities, parks, trails and many schools, it’s no wonder why so many young families have decided to reside here. Close to the 403 highways, commuters can conveniently travel to work, making the trip easier and stress-free. Sports complexes and green spaces are also available within this neighbourhood, giving families an excuse to get outdoors and stroll through the friendly community, no matter the season! If a friendly and vibrant community is exactly what you are looking for, then Northwest Oakville may be the right community for you.
A great deal of well-known schools are located within the Northwest community of Oakville. Schools available are from both the public and the Catholic school board and include elementary to secondary grades.
Abbey Lane Public School (JK – Grade 8)
Captain R. Wilson Public School (JK – Grade 8)
Emily Carr Public School (JK – Grade 8)
Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School (JK – Grade 8)
Pope John Paul II Catholic Elementary School (JK – Grade 8)
Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary School (JK – Grade 8)
Abbey Park Secondary School
Garth Webb Secondary School
St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary School
Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School
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