Alton Village,Burlington

Find our what Alton Village has to offer!


With the houses in this neighbourhood being only a few years old, families with kids of all ages have come to live, and love, Alton Village. The yards may be somewhat less spacious compared to Millcoft; however, the beautiful, new, open concept detached home makes up for it. This is why a great deal of residents in this area are original homeowners. Once you’ve set foot in Alton Village, it’s very unlikely that you’ll ever want to leave. Perfect for active families and those who love the outdoors, this community offers many amenities, helping families and residents stay active, happy, and entertained all year long.

What to Love

For wholesome, strongly knit communities, Alton Village is as far as it goes. With a neighbourhood bond like no other, families within the area will often get together to do movie nights in driveways or just to sit around and talk, while the children play safely on the street. Norton Community Park is also located nearby, providing families with skate-parks, splash pads, lease free parks and sports fields. It’s the perfect Saturday morning outing for any active family. Amenities, shops, schools and the 407 are all conveniently located in this area, making it easy for anyone to go out and grab their everyday needs. If you’re looking to create lasting memories and maybe even long-lasting friends, Alton Village is your neighbourhood.


A community build for families is known to have a few wonderful schools located nearby. Schools within the Alton Village community are both from the public and Catholic school boards and offer an exciting education to all students.

Alton Village Elementary School

St. Anne Catholic Elementary School

Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School

Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School

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