How to Maximize Your Return on Your Investment

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MAXIMIZE Your Return

There are many things you can do to increase the appeal of your property and create a lasting impression on potential buyers.

When you take the time to prepare a house to sell properly, you’ll reap the rewards. You will sell it faster, for more money and will experience less stress in the process. The key is to be objective and visualize your home through a buyer’s eyes. Before you put your home on the market:


Remove personal photos, vacation memorabilia, diplomas and collections. You want a buyer to be able to envision themselves living in this home, not whoever is presently living there.


Be critical. If it doesn’t compliment the space get rid of it. Clear your kitchen counters of just about everything. Clean your closets by packing up out-of-season clothes and old toys. Don’t store all your extra stuff in the basement or garage – donate to your favourite charity or rent a storage space if necessary.


Not every repair costs a bundle. Fix as many small problems – sticky doors, torn screens, cracked caulking, dripping faucets, burned-out light bulbs – as you can. These may seem trivial, but these little issues will give buyers the impression your house isn’t well maintained.


A clean home leaves the impression that the house is well cared for. Everything looks better when spotless. Remember to clean your windows as clean windows let in more light. Wash light fixtures and baseboards and give your stove and refrigerator a thorough once-over. Don’t forget to clean your garage, too. Or hire a service if you have to – it’s worth the investment.


Clean your front door and if necessary, add a fresh coat of paint. Hang flower baskets or place flower pots near the entrance way for an inviting look. Mow your lawn, rake the leaves, or shovel the snow. Sweep the porch and ensure that garbage, recycling and all toys are tucked neatly away from the front of the house.

If you liked these tips about how to maximize your return on investment, you would love our Home Sellers Guide. Contact us today to recieve your copy today!

class SampleComponent extends React.Component { 
  // using the experimental public class field syntax below. We can also attach  
  // the contextType to the current class 
  static contextType = ColorContext; 
  render() { 
    return <Button color={this.color} /> 

MAXIMIZE Your Return

There are many things you can do to increase the appeal of your property and create a lasting impression on potential buyers.

When you take the time to prepare a house to sell properly, you’ll reap the rewards. You will sell it faster, for more money and will experience less stress in the process. The key is to be objective and visualize your home through a buyer’s eyes. Before you put your home on the market:


Remove personal photos, vacation memorabilia, diplomas and collections. You want a buyer to be able to envision themselves living in this home, not whoever is presently living there.


Be critical. If it doesn’t compliment the space get rid of it. Clear your kitchen counters of just about everything. Clean your closets by packing up out-of-season clothes and old toys. Don’t store all your extra stuff in the basement or garage – donate to your favourite charity or rent a storage space if necessary.


Not every repair costs a bundle. Fix as many small problems – sticky doors, torn screens, cracked caulking, dripping faucets, burned-out light bulbs – as you can. These may seem trivial, but these little issues will give buyers the impression your house isn’t well maintained.


A clean home leaves the impression that the house is well cared for. Everything looks better when spotless. Remember to clean your windows as clean windows let in more light. Wash light fixtures and baseboards and give your stove and refrigerator a thorough once-over. Don’t forget to clean your garage, too. Or hire a service if you have to – it’s worth the investment.


Clean your front door and if necessary, add a fresh coat of paint. Hang flower baskets or place flower pots near the entrance way for an inviting look. Mow your lawn, rake the leaves, or shovel the snow. Sweep the porch and ensure that garbage, recycling and all toys are tucked neatly away from the front of the house.

If you liked these tips about how to maximize your return on investment, you would love our Home Sellers Guide. Contact us today to recieve your copy today!

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